Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's been a while since...

...I have done a NEW BORN!!! I was so happy to photograph this little guy. He was so so precious and tiny! Actually his mom said his birth weight was over 8lbs and I think she said he was around 22 in...don't quote me on that. My point is that as far as new borns go, he wasn't that tiny. It's just that you forget way too quickly how small they were when you first met them. Mine is almost 22 months and when he was born he was actually smaller than this guy...but I sure don't remember him being that small!!! THAT is why new born pictures are so special and such a treasure to have to look back on.

I enjoyed meeting this family. This was number three for them and the first time they have ever had professional new born shots done, so I was honored to take the photographs for them. It was a bit challenging for a couple reasons. The biggest challenge was an over cast day late in the afternoon. So I didn't have as much lighting as I was hoping for. (But God was good because at least the rain held off!). The other was that this little baby did not want to sleep! Ideally you want a sleepy baby but he was so alert...so as you can see I shot him wide awake! We eventually waited him out and right at the end of our time he finally fell asleep so we did get a couple sleepy shots. (Those are my favorite so I posted them first) Thank you for the opportunity to capture such a treasured time in your new son's life! Hope you enjoy your sneak peek!

If your wondering about all the hands, I had the whole family place their hands on him. So your seeing two of the mother's hands, one of the dad (under his head), and a little two-year-old hand and a five-year-old hand.

A mamma in love...

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