Monday, January 4, 2010

Winter and the New year

Ok, so I know these pictures in this post are not typically what you would find on my blog...because there are no people in them and people are absolutely my favorite thing to photograph...But once in a while I actually take pictures of other things, I just usually don't share them. Well today's post is different.

We spent two weeks in Ohio over the holidays visiting Jeremy's family and friends. It was really nice to have extended time there to relax and see people who we don't get to see very often. Among many things, one thing that made this trip special was the snow!!! For a lot of you who follow my blog I'm sure you don't get to see wintery scenes very often. I'm guessing this because most of you I'm assuming are from Texas or North Carolina.

We woke up Christmas Eve morning bright and early to a beautiful monochromatic winter wonderland. It was early enough that night time sky and fog that it had brought was still lingering and I HAD to photograph it! Later that morning the fog had lifted and the sun came out and provided a wonderful crispness for the rest of the day. I have some pretty magical childhood memories during the winter time having grown up in the north east so these moments, although there aren't any people in them, are still pretty special to me.

I hope you all enjoy something a little different to start off this new year. I'm looking forward to seeing what surprises 2010 will hold and sharing them with YOU as they come. God bless.

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