I wanted to post a reminder to schedule your appointment NOW if you want pictures in time for Christmas cards and gifts. Due to the busy season I cannot guarantee orders in time for the holidays on photo shoots taken AFTER November 16th! I will be more than happy to take appointments after this date and try my best to get orders in on time, but cannot guarantee they will arrive BEFORE Christmas.
Also, custom Christmas and Holiday cards are available this year! They come in sets of 25 as 5x7's printed front AND back on press paper, (like the thickness of card stock, not a normal photograph). They DO come with envelopes as well. Scroll down to see the RED and GREEN collections that you can choose from. A la carte prices for your 1st set of 25 are $80, additional sets are $70. If you purchase a package or spend a minimum of $150 on other prints then your 1st set of 25 is $60 and additional sets are $50. Please contact me with any questions!